Ketogenic Diet: What is it and how does it work? Benefits, plans, and allowed and forbidden foods

what is the ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet has become the way of life for many. However, almost no one calls it that, but it is known as Keto. As with all diets, with this one, people seek to have a better diet and a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, now you will see everything possible regarding the subject.

What is the ketogenic diet?

In the ketogenic diet, the most important thing is natural fats and protein. Carbohydrates and processed fats must be eliminated. This diet fits children who suffer from epilepsy like a glove.

This seeks to force the body to use up accumulated fat and keep the amounts it needs. Some experts say that this diet may have some side effects. For example, starting to suffer from heart problems or diabetes.

How does the ketogenic diet work?

In simple words, its operation is based on changing the place where the body draws its energies. Carbohydrates and sweets are eliminated. By stopping eating this, the carbohydrates and glucose in the body are minimal.

That's when the body starts looking for energy in the accumulated fat. Then, the liver converts the fat into ketones, the new particles that will give energy to the blood and all organs.

How do you do a ketogenic diet?

Starting the ketogenic diet is easy, but difficult. You only have to eat foods with natural fats and fiber. Carbohydrates are no longer included and if you eat it it has to be very little.

For the body to maintain muscles and a good temperature, protein cannot be missing. If you want your body to function better and stay as healthy as possible, you also have to consume vitamins.

What benefits does this diet have?

Although it requires a nutritional sacrifice, the benefits obtained from the ketogenic diet are several. One of the main ones is that muscles can be developed at an impressive speed, especially if accompanied with good exercise routines. Some of the things you get are:

Fat is lost

Thanks to the ketosis process, fats stored in the body are burned. This helps to show the real shape of the body externally and helps with weight loss.

Improves memory, mental acuity and concentration

Since glucose is no longer the body's main source of energy, there are no ups and downs that are experienced with diets that do have it. Ketones become the new source of energy, a very safe and constant one. This allows the mind to function better and perform at a higher level.

Reduces inflammation

reduction of inflammation by ketogenic diet

Almost all the food on the ketogenic diet has plenty of Omega 3. This oil has great anti-inflammatory properties, so inflammation does not occur under this type of diet.

It is good for fertility problems

In almost all cases, women cannot have children due to the hormonal instability the sugar spikes generate. Thanks to this diet, the sugar spikes stop passing and the problem is solved. Many women have stopped suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Reduces hunger levels

When you eat sweets or other foods that have a high glycemic content, hunger disappears for brief moments. However, this causes a glucose spike to quickly be generated, which causes a decrease in energy and a feeling of hunger. As glucose spikes disappear with this diet, this false feeling of hunger also goes away.

The ketogenic diet regulates leptin and ghrelin. When glucose levels are high and there are many glucose spikes, these 2 hormones function abnormally. Sweets cause ghrelin to rise, increasing appetite and cause leptin to drop, slowing metabolism.

Under the keto diet, the opposite happens, ghrelin goes down, causing appetite to decrease and you only feel hungry when the body really needs to eat. In addition, leptin increases, increasing metabolism and helping fats to be eliminated more quickly and efficiently and obtaining long-lasting energy.

Provides more physical resistance

The physical resistance that is felt is higher, this happens because the body's energy source is constant and stable. If an athlete has this diet he can perform better than the rest and the body will be in good condition for much longer.

Skin health improves

Inflammations also go away thanks to the ketogenic diet. Acne, for example, is an inflammation that occurs in the underlying tissues. This problem disappears thanks to diet. Some skin diseases have nothing to do with skin inflammation and will not be solved with this diet.

Prevents some chronic diseases from developing

Some of the diseases that can be prevented with this diet are:

  • Diabetes.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Carcinomas.
  • Alzheimer.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Obesity.

People who have kidney problems, who have eating disorders, who are on dialysis or pregnant women are not suitable for the diet.

Allowed foods

All foods that are rich in proteins and natural fats are allowed. For example:

  • Cheeses.
  • Meat.
  • Vegetables that grow above ground.
  • Seafood and fish.
  • Avocado, coconut oil, grass butter and olive oil.
  • Eggs.

Forbidden food

Although they are not entirely prohibited, their consumption should be lower. These are foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars. Some of the foods that should be consumed in minimum quantities are:

  • Pasta or spaghetti.
  • Papas or potatoes.
  • Pan.
  • Rice.

You also have to eat less fruits and completely eliminate processed foods, everything should be natural.